MD Environmen tal was established to assist commercial and industrial business owners, production and manufacturing managers, environmental health and safety officers, and designated environmental compliance coordinators with the complex environmental issues concerning Air Quality, Water Quality, and Hazardous Materials Management (Hazmat).
Southern California businesses are required to comply with regulations, which are setup to protect the air, water, and soil from pollution. Air quality focuses on air pollution prevention from sources such as boilers, engines, coating operations, and visible smoking stacks. Water quality deals with the prevention of water pollution from operations such as waste water treatment discharge, manufacturing process discharge, storm water runoff, and accidental process spills. Hazmat involves the management of materials, which pose a hazard to individuals who handle, use, or store these materials, during the manufacture process. Paint, cleaning solvents, and various metals, typically fall under the hazardous materials category.
Since 1994, MD Environmental has provided effective compliance solutions to each and every client. Our assistance, such as amen ding past air emission inventory reports or reviewing current waste water permitting conditions, offer valuable short and tong term guidance towards regulatory compliance. We can offer you premium recordkeeping and monitoring service that is acceptable to the regulatory agency, which also serve as your check & balance against your individual permit condition limitations, annual inventories, and other applicable regulatory measures, such as Title V and RECLAIM. MD Environmental carefully lays out the sequence of events to satisfy your issue, then implements this plan by development of complete process evaluation and description of pollution sources, emission estimates, regulatory rules evaluation, and suggested compliance conditions for applicable permit issues.
MD Environmental is registered with the South Coast Air Quality Management District as a Certified Permitting Professional. This certification provides you with the reassurance of a professionally prepared permit to construct and operate application report regarding air quality permitting issues. This certified permit application report covers all required permitting topics, and follows the guidelines of the South Coast Air Quality Management District.
MD Environmental is a professional environmental consulting firm and provides you with several solutions to suit your environmental compliance requirements. MD Environmental is a certified minority owned small business. MD Environmental is an active business member with the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce. Serving the Western United States and Mexico’s Border States. |